Introduction to bash

bash is a standard Linux shell. You can use bash to execute Linux commands.

# Execute Linux command with bash

Check environment variables

Let's check the environment variables. You can check it with the env command.


When combined with grep, you can retrieve only the environment variables you need.

# Get only those that contain PATH
env | grep PATH

Set environment variables

Use the export command to set environment variables.

export EnvironmentVariableName=EnvironmentVariableValue


export LANG=en_US.utf8

bash configuration file

The bash configuration file is ".bashrc" in your home directory.


There is also a special config file called ".bash_profile", but use ".bashrc" for normal configs.

If you write the above environment variable settings in ".bashrc", they can be set automatically when the shell is loaded.

bash shell script

Let's create a bash shell script. This is useful when executing frequently used Linux commands.

Suppose you save the following script as "myecho".


echo 'Hello'

Save this script and change the permissions to 755 with the chmod command so you can run it

chmod 755 myecho




Shebang is "#!/bin/bash".

What kind of shell scripts are there?

Bash is the standard shell script on Linux, but there are other shell scripts such as csh, ksh, and zsh.

Shell scripts are like dialects, and each Linux OS has a different standard shell.

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